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Repair And Restoration

Every machine had lifetime, and need high cost to replace old machine to new machine. To prevent the high cost PT Gemilang Reksa Buana overing repair and restoration machine to make the machine running well or even better.

PT Gemilang Reksa Buana expansive line of HVAC system includes the only truly commercial-grade models on the market today and offers products that are suitable for a wide range of demanding applications.

Overhaul Chiller

Re-bearing compressor 
Rewinding compressor
Retubing evaporator
Retubing condenser
Replacement parts

Chiller Restoration

Replacement compressor
Retrofit refrigerant
Rebuild control panel

Repair Heat Exchangers

Retubing heat exchanger 
Preventing coating 
Chemical cleaning passivation 
Mechanical cleaning 
Tube plugging 
Reinsulating & Jacketing 
Heat load recalculation